Cyber Sleuth When Does Coliseum Open Again
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth is a Digimon JRPG game that is based on Tokyo, Japan. Most places in the game depict actual areas found in Tokyo. Thanks to the addition of New Game+, you can replay the game to get anything you've missed on your first playthough. So no real trophies are missable in this game. And if you're worried about getting stuck completing the story mode or any side cases, there is a walkthough guide to help you beat the game.
Note: Some people have reported that one of the mechanics in this game is bugged, which affects the ability to obtain Quiz Master . It is still not known how the bug takes place, so it's best to reply to quiz messages as soon as you get them to lessen the chances of this occurring. A few people mentioned that loading the Digimon (DigiBank's load feature) that caused the bug into another Digimon fixed the bug for them, so you can try this if you experience this bug.
Step 1: Finish the Story Mode.
First thing you want to focus on is beating the story mode. There are a total of 20 chapters in the game. While you go through each chapter, try to get at least 100% scan data on every Digimon you encounter, except bosses of course. Digimon get scanned automatically at the beginning of a battle. I personally recommend 200% scan data to make it easier to go for max ABI later.
Make sure to find and talk to Victory Uchida whenever he becomes available. He appears starting from near the end of chapter 4, then every chapter after that except chapters 12 & 18. The first encounter with this NPC can be in either chapter 4 or 5, this is the only time where you get 2 chances to find him. Finding Victory Uchida is very important for the Legendary Medal Collector trophy, because you get 10 unique Digimon medals from him. If you miss these 10 medals, you can either get them from the free Demon Lords DLC cases, or start a New Game+ and get them there (not required to do this since the same medals can be obtained from DLC cases). Go to that trophy's section for more details and a list of Victory Uchida locations.
Also, try to clear as many cases as you can while progressing through the story. And whenever you get a DigiLine message that you can reply to, make sure to do so promptly. If the message is a quiz, try to answer them correctly. Do this throughout the story mode to get the 2 DigiLine related trophies.
After you finish the story mode, you will unlock the following trophies:
Digimon Fan
Medal Fan
Reached Chapter 1
Reached Chapter 2
Reached Chapter 3
Reached Chapter 4
Reached Chapter 5
Reached Chapter 6
Reached Chapter 7
Reached Chapter 8
Reached Chapter 9
Reached Chapter 10
Reached Chapter 11
Reached Chapter 12
Reached Chapter 13
Reached Chapter 14
Reached Chapter 15
Reached Chapter 16
Reached Chapter 17
Reached Chapter 18
Reached Chapter 19
Reached Chapter 20
Reached the Ending
Digimon Researcher
Dependable Replier
Quiz Master
Step 2: Digimon Medals.
There are 500 Digimon medals in the game, you have to get all of them for the . This might seem like a tough task, but it's not that bad. 300 of the medals are from 10 gacha vending machines, each of those machines give 30 unique medals. 99 medals are from regular enemy drops across various dungeons. 31 medals can be obtained from shiny objects on the ground across the story chapters, these cannot be missed since you can backtrack to any map in the game. 28 medals can be obtained from the Offline Colosseum. 21 medals are from urgent (red) cases as rewards or boss battle drops. Ten medals are from Victory Uchida, these are easy to get from Uchida as long as you find and talk to him through story mode. You can also get these medals from the free Demon Lords DLC cases, so don't worry if you miss some Victory Uchida encounters. 8 medals are from the blue/yellow side cases as quest rewards or boss battle drops. Two Digimon medals are only obtained from property cases, they are Agumon (Blk) and MetalGreymon (Blue). The last medal is a GroundLocomon medal, and it can be obtained from the Purple-03 DLC case (Terriermon's Exclusive Scoop!) as a boss battle drop.
Visit my guide for a list of all the 500 medals and their locations.
After this step, you should have the following trophies:
Medal Maniac
Third-Rate Medal Collector
Second-Rate Medal Collector
First-Rate Medal Collector
Legendary Medal Collector
Step 3: Digivolution/De-digivolution.
Digivolution and de-digivolution are the main method to get new Digimon that can't normally be obtained through scanning. Each Digimon can digivolve into several forms. In order to digivolve your Digimon, you have to meet certain level/stat requirements. For this step, you want to digivolve as many Digimon as you can to fill the Digimon Field Guide (the book icon on the DigiVice menu). It is best to max the levels of your Digimon before evolving or devolving them, this ensures you get the maximum ABI gain from digivolution/de-digivolution. You need at least 10 Digimon with max ABI.
When evolving your Digimon, aim for the shadow silhouette or grayed out digivolutions to fill out the Digimon Field Guide. You need to register 200 entries and at least 30 Ultimate and 30 Mega Digimon entries. Also, if you didn't get the Level 99! and Good Friend
trophies already, you should get them easily doing this part.
See Digimon Professor trophy for the best/fastest method to level up.
After doing the above, you will obtain the the following trophies:
Good Friend
Top Talent
Big-Shot Breeder
Digimon Professor
Digimon Idol
Level 99!
Top-Notch Breeder
Step 4: DigiFarm Trophies.
You can obtain a number of trophies from the DigiFarm. Make sure to obtain all Farm Development Kits and Farm Expansion Plugins from chests/cases to increase the number of farm islands available and max them all out. You need 5 farm islands and all of them need to be rank 5. Once you have all 5 farms, fill each of them with 10 Digimon for 2 trophies.
Also, remember to feed your Digimon in the DigiFarm whenever possible. This will count for the Digi-Wrangler trophy and will help with maxing CAM (short for camaraderie) with 30 Digimon. To increase CAM faster, you can buy Finest Quality Meat from the DigiLab shop (costs 10,000 Yen to buy, unlocks in chapter 7). Feeding this meat to Digimon will increase the CAM by 5-10%.
After this step, you will obtain the the following trophies:
Best Friend
Land Baron
One-Star Rating
Five-Star Rating
Full House
Standing Room Only
Step 5: Cleanup.
If you have not cleared 50 cases yet, go ahead and do the remaining side cases. If those are already cleared and you still need more cases, send your Digimon on investigation commands and clear the cases they bring back. You can continue to do those investigation cases to increase your sleuth rank, if it's not already at rank 20.
Head up to the 4th floor of Nakano Broadway and challenge the 6 Offline Coliseum cups for 3 trophies. I highly recommend bringing Lilithmon with maxed intellect for her powerful special skill. If you didn't get the 999 Damage! trophy by now, using Lilithmon's special skill will easily exceed that much damage.
If you didn't earn Battle Iron Man yet, farm the remaining battles you need in low level dungeons, bringing a Digimon with Chain Plus or Chain Max support skill will help you do a chain combo with 3 Digimon for Big Combo
. And if you don't have Millionaire
by now, use 3 GoldNumemon/PrinceMamemon and equip them with 9 Billionaire USB (3 each) while farming the remaining battles.
There is only 1 online trophy in this game, which is obtained through the Online Coliseum. You can access it from the northwest side of the DigiLab. You can fight other players in this coliseum either through Ad-Hoc or Wi-Fi. Even though this mode is designed to fight other players, you will most likely end up fighting NPCs only. My guess is that the game tries to pair you with others but once it fails it gives you NPC opponents instead. I never faced other players in this Coliseum.
After the cleanup, you should have the rest of the trophies including the .
Veteran Investigator
Battle Expert
Seasoned Gamer
Battle Master
Best Cyber Sleuth
999 Damage!
Big Combo
Battle Iron Man
Pro Gamer
Master Gamer
Perfect Sleuth
[PST Would Like to Thank Drake70 for this Roadmap]
[Perfect Sleuth]
[Acquire all trophies.]Obtain all other trophies to unlock this
[Veteran Investigator]
[Clear 50 quests.]There are over 40 main/side cases in the game, clear those and do some investigation cases (if you still need any) for the trophy.
See Best Cyber Sleuth
for more info on investigation cases.
[Digimon Lover]
[Register 50 Digimon in the Digimon Encyclopedia.]See[Digimon Doctorate]
[Medal Fan]
[Collect 50 different kinds of Digimon medals.]See[Legendary Medal Collector]
[Battle Expert]
[Pass through a total of 500 battles.]See[Battle Tyrant]
[Advanced Gamer]
[Clear the Platinum Cup in Offline Coliseum.]See[Master Gamer]
[Best Friend]
[Max out Friendship with 1 Digimon.]See[Bosom Friends]
[Top Talent]
[Max out Talent with 1 Digimon.]See[Distinguished Negotiator]
[First-rate Breeder]
[Evolve 30 Digimon into Perfect level.]See[Top Breeder]
[Exceed 1,000,000 Yen in money possession.]You should save your money until you get 1 million yen. If you end up using your money though, you can easily farm more later on in the game.
The fastest way to farm money is to get 3 GoldNumemon/PrinceMamemon and equip them with 9 Billionaire USB (3 each). Then go fight Digimon in the New Tokyo Gov. Office. This setup will multiply the money you get by 13. You can get the Billionaire USB by instructing your Digimon to develop items for you and paying them 10,000 Yen. It's the middle blue colored option in the DigiFarm. You can also get the USB from PrinceMamemon as a drop in Akihabara Digital Shift.
The trophy unlocks after you have 1 million yen at once.
[Battle Master]
[Achieved 30 victories in Colosseum battles.]Your wins at the Online Colosseum are not saved on the server, so remember to save your game progress before closing the game. Otherwise, you will lose your total/won battles.
If you're playing on the PS4 version of the game, you need an active Playstation Plus subscription to participate in the Online Colosseum.
These wins must be done in the Online Colosseum, which can be accessed from the DigiLab. The rules for this mode are as follows:
- 150 Party Memory limit.
- Items are unavailable for use.
- Battles and turns have time limits.
- Every Digimon will be balanced to level 50.
Note that any Digimon lower than level 50 will also be raised to 50 once it enters the Colosseum. However, any unlearned skills that can be learned from those gained levels will not be available.
Even though you need to connect online to use this Colosseum, I never had to fight other people in it. The game pairs you with AI opponents if you can't connect with another player. You will mostly be fighting powerful NPCs though, so I suggest using a good team. Also don't worry about losing, because you'll just be sent back to the Colosseum menu, not the title screen.
I recommend bringing UlforceVeedramon for his support skill that always let's your party have the first turn. Lilithmon with maxed intellect is a must-have, her special skill does damage triple the amount of her intellect stat. As for the 3rd Digimon, a healing Digimon might be a good idea since you can't heal using items. You might want to bring some reserve Digimon too, the Royal Knights are usually good enough fighters. Mastemon has a unique special skill where it reduces all enemies HP by 25%.
The trophy will unlock after you win your 30th battle, losing battles will not count.
Secret trophies
ナビットくんだよ! デジモンキャプチャー、喜んでもらえたかな? みんなの活躍を期待しているよ!
[Reached Chapter 1]
[It's me, Mr. Navit! You enjoying Digimon Capture? Can't wait to see what you guys get up to!]This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.
Obtained at the start of the chapter, after you see the chapter number and name on screen.
[Reached Chapter 2]
[Never thought I'd get an assistant like this. And that half-cyber body...heh. It seems things are about to get interesting.]This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.
Obtained at the start of the chapter, after you see the chapter number and name on screen.
[Reached Chapter 3]
[EDEN Syndrome, and that gloomy woman... Your fate as a cyber sleuth has only just begun!]This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.
Obtained at the start of the chapter, after you see the chapter number and name on screen.
アグモン達が何しにEDENに来たのか思い出すため、夕日に向かって競争だぁー! EDEN夕日ないけどッ
[Reached Chapter 4]
[Why did Agumon and the other Digimon come to EDEN? Better think on it all night long! Not that there's night in EDEN...]This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.
Obtained at the start of the chapter, after you see the chapter number and name on screen.
イーターに、白い少年の幽霊、挙句に電脳探偵だぁ? おもしれえ! 首つっこんでやろうじゃねーか!
[Reached Chapter 5]
[Eaters, a "white ghost boy," and now a cyber sleuth? Cool! About time I got in on this party!]This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.
Obtained at the start of the chapter, after you see the chapter number and name on screen.
ハッカーの暴走は、カミシロが糸を引いている…? それが真実なら、ザクソンのリーダーとして、僕は…!
[Reached Chapter 6]
[Kamishiro's pulling the strings behind the hacker revolt? If that's true, I gotta do something as leader of the Zaxons!]This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.
Obtained at the start of the chapter, after you see the chapter number and name on screen.
万物は流転し、事象は日々解明される! 若者の好奇心は、それに拍車をかけてくれることでしょう。くふふ…
[Reached Chapter 7]
[All things change, and more phenomena are explained every day! Youthful curiosity plays a key role in this, don't you think? Tee-hee...]This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.
Obtained at the start of the chapter, after you see the chapter number and name on screen.
[Reached Chapter 8]
[That ugly thing looked like it hasn't given up. Bring it anytime, I'll clean your clock.]This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.
Obtained at the start of the chapter, after you see the chapter number and name on screen.
カッコつけアラタが潜入とか言い出しちゃってますけど、それはソレこれはアレ! リベリオンズ始動だぁー!
[Reached Chapter 9]
[That conceited Arata's proposing infiltration, but these are two separate things! Time for the Rebels!]This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.
Obtained at the start of the chapter, after you see the chapter number and name on screen.
EDEN症候群の最初の被害者…か、一体どんなやつなんだ? しかし…あの珈琲は人間の飲み物じゃねぇな…
[Reached Chapter 10]
[The first victim of EDEN Syndrome...just who is it? Also...that coffee isn't fit for human consumption...]This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.
Obtained at the start of the chapter, after you see the chapter number and name on screen.
Reached Chapter 11]
[My name is Omnimon. I must convey to you the crisis approaching your world and mine!]This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.
Obtained at the start of the chapter, after you see the chapter number and name on screen.
うえー!? 悠子っちを助けられたと思ったら、なんで今度は、君がいなくなっちゃうのよー!?
[Reached Chapter 12]
[What the!? Just as I think I've saved Yuuko, how come you're the one who's disappeared now!?]This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.
Obtained at the start of the chapter, after you see the chapter number and name on screen.
アラタの奴…一人でどうする気だ!? …キョウちゃん、早く戻ってきてくれ。あいつらには、助けが必要だ…
[Reached Chapter 13]
[That Arata... What's he thinking of doing on his own!? Hurry back, Little Kyoko... They're gonna need your help!]This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.
Obtained at the start of the chapter, after you see the chapter number and name on screen.
チビの連れを見つけてくれたんだってな! やるじゃねーか! また何かあったら呼ぶわ! …断ったら逮捕な
[Reach Chapter 14]
[You found my lil' partner! Not bad! I'll call you again if something comes up! ...Refuse, and I'll arrest you.]This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.
Obtained at the start of the chapter, after you see the chapter number and name on screen.
[Reached Chapter 15]
[I know you must be worried about Arata Sanada's whereabouts, but there's something you gotta do now. ...Time for a counterattack.]This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.
Obtained at the start of the chapter, after you see the chapter number and name on screen.
仲間が増えて私もブイブイも皆ハッピー! …と思ったらあの子どーしちゃったの!? 右腕が大変な事になってるヨ!?
[Reached Chapter 16]
[Me 'n' Veevee are happy to have more allies! ...But wait, what happened to the kid!? That right arm doesn't look good, ya know!? ]This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.
Obtained at the start of the chapter, after you see the chapter number and name on screen.
変化に伴う醜態を、人は無様と笑うでしょうか? "悲しみ"に妥協するよりは、はるかに気高い姿ですよ
[Reached Chapter 17]
[People can't help but laugh at the unsightliness that accompanies change, yes? It's a much better look than succumbing to sadness, though.]This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.
Obtained at the start of the chapter, after you see the chapter number and name on screen.
気付いたら秋葉原に戻ってきていたけれど…、どうして私だけ…? 本当にこれで…お父さんの仇がとれたの…?
[Reach Chapter 18]
[Before I knew it I was back in Akihabara...but why just me? Does this mean... Did I get revenge for my father?]This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.
Obtained at the start of the chapter, after you see the chapter number and name on screen.
私達5人が幼馴染で!? 杏子さんがデジモンで!? わさびに八丁味噌がクリームチーズ!? 頭パーンッ!!
[Reached Chapter 19]
[The five of us are childhood friends? Kyoko is a Digimon!? Wasabi, hatcho miso and cream cheese!? Argh, my head!!!]This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.
Obtained at the start of the chapter, after you see the chapter number and name on screen.
[Reach Chapter 20]
[Fools. Every last one of you is a total fool. ...Even so, you're my friends. Let's go, our fifth friend is waiting for us.]This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.
Obtained at the start of the chapter, after you see the chapter number and name on screen.
[Reached the Ending]
[See you tomorrow!]This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.
Obtained after beating the game and watching the ending.
[Best Cyber Sleuth]
[Attained maximum sleuth rank.]This trophy requires you to get the maximum sleuth rank, which is 20. Sleuth rank is your detective rank, and it increases with Cyber Sleuth Points (CSP). You can earn CSP by clearing cases. If you finish all main and side cases and still need CSP to rank up, you can farm the green optional cases (investigation cases) instead. You get investigation cases from sending your DigiFarm Digimon on investigations. These cases give 100 CSP only, but they can be repeated as many times as you want.
This trophy is unlocked once you reach sleuth rank 20.
[Digimon Researcher]
[100 Digimon registered in the Digimon Field Guide.]See[Digimon Doctorate]
[Digimon Professor]
[200 Digimon registered in the Digimon Field Guide.]To register a Digimon into the Digimon Field Guide, you need to scan it to at least 100%, then convert it into data in the DigiBank (fourth option). Scanning Digimon is done automatically at the beginning of battles. Every 20% after the 100% gives that Digimon 1 ABI point, maxed at 200% which makes a Digimon start with 5 ABI. Running from a battle will still save the scan data you obtain in said battle.
There are a total of 249 playable Digimon in the game, 12 of those are DLC only. You do not need the DLC for this trophy. You can encounter 164 Digimon in dungeons. Once you've scanned and registered those, you can get the rest through digivolution. Evolving your Digimon is done through the DigiBank (second option), you can digivolve a Digimon once you meet the requirements for the digivolution you want. The requirements are usually only a certain level, stats, CAM and/or ABI. However, some digivolutions require you to obtain unique items (the armor types).
The top-right number in the Field Guide is the total registered Digimon, the number to the left of this is the total seen Digimon. Seeing 200 Digimon won't get you this trophy. You have to actually own 200 total Digimon. It is not required to have all those 200 Digimon in your DigiBank at the same time.
In order to get more Digimon, you need to level your Digimon (preferably to max levels). The fastest way to level your party is to have 3 PlatinumNumemon in your battle party (the first 3 Digimon in a party) and each of them have 3 Tactician USBs equipped. Each Tactician USB will double the exp gained from a battle, while PlatinumNumemon's support skill doubles the exp gain after the USBs take effect. So if you have 3 PlatinumNumemon equipped with 9 Tactician USBs, the exp gained from battles will be multiplied by 40.
The best place to level up is floor 49 of the Tokyo Metropolitan Office, which is accessible in chapter 19. A normal encounter in 49F against a Piedmon and a Puppetmon would yield 4,184 experience points. With 3 PlatinumNumemon and 9 Tactician USBs however, you will earn 167,360 experience points. Keep in mind that the exp gain from battles is not shared between your Digimon, so that 167,360 exp will be given to each Digimon in your party.
You can get the Tactician USB by instructing your Digimon to develop items for you with the 1,000 Yen option. You need to have a rank 2+ farm with 10 Adult or above Digimon with at least 2 Developer's Knowledge equipped farm goods to start getting those USBs. As for PlatinumNumemon, you can start working on them as soon as chapter 2. Go to Kowloon Lv. 1 (the first dungeon in the game) and scan/capture 3 Wanyamon from there. Digivolve those 3 to Kudamon, then to GoldNumemon and finally to PlatinumNumemon. If the digivolution result is not what you wanted, you can de-digivolve them back to the previous Digimon at any time.
This trophy unlocks once you register 200 Digimon and open the Digimon Field Guide. You have to open the Field Guide, otherwise the trophy won't pop.
[Medal Maniac]
[Collected 100 types of Digimon medals.]See[Legendary Medal Collector]
[Third-Rate Medal Collector]
[Collected 200 types of Digimon medals.]See[Legendary Medal Collector]
[Second-Rate Medal Collector]
[Collected 300 types of Digimon medals.]See[Legendary Medal Collector]
[First-Rate Medal Collector]
[Collected 400 types of Digimon medals.]See[Legendary Medal Collector]
[Legendary Medal Collector]
[Collected all Digimon medals.]For best results, it's better to play on hard mode when hunting for medals to increase the item drop rates, along with a team of 3 BlackKingNumemon each equipped with 3 Large Capacity USBs for far better chances to obtain medal drops.
Digimon medals are collectibles in this game, there are 500 medals in total. 300 of them are exclusive to 10 Gacha machines, capsule toy vending machines placed around the game. Each of the 10 gacha machines give 30 unique medals. Which medal you get from a gacha machine is completely random, some are even rare too. You can also get medals from battles. They drop from certain Digimon just like any regular item drop. The rest are obtained from shiny objects on the ground that can be picked up or from investigation cases.
Investigation cases are cases where Digimon ask you to find their dropped/lost items. They reward you with a medal of the Digimon that issued you the case. To unlock investigation cases, you need to send a DigiFarm team on an investigation (the purple colored investigate option in the DigiFarm). This type of case can be repeated whenever needed. The case result you get depends on the farm rank, Digimon level categories and how many Detective's Essence farm goods are equipped. Another way to obtain medals is from the Offline Coliseum, there are a number of unique Digimon you can fight in there and each of them drops their medal.
Best way to get all 30 medals from each gacha machine is to turn in all your medals to the medal old man NPC in Nakano Broadway 4F, make sure your medal tab in the items menu is empty, then keep using 1 gacha machine until your medal tab lists 30 medals. As long as you don't switch to another gacha or fight Digimon, you can tell if you got all 30 unique medals from a gacha by counting the medals you have on you. Repeat this with the other gacha machines.
The 10 Gacha machines can be found in the following places:
- Nakano Broadway 1F: Near the elevator.
- Nakano Broadway 1F: Near the escalator.
- Nakano Broadway 2F: In front of the card shop (unlocks later in the game).
- Nakano Broadway 3F: Next to the stairs.
- Shinjuku: Before the subway entrance (second map).
- Shibuya 1: Outside Tower Records store (second map).
- Shibuya 2: Inside Tower Records store (second map).
- Akihabara 1: The blue Gacha machine in the upper main street, next to Sega store.
- Akihabara 2: The red Gacha machine in the upper main street, next to the map exit.
- Ueno: Outside the digital shift (second map).
Victory Uchida
The NPC with a V-shaped yellow hat.
This trophy is not missable anymore, due to the addition of a New Game+ mode in the English version of the game (the Japanese version got patched soon after the English release to include this mode as well). However, if you do not want to play a second playthrough just for a single trophy, it's best to get the 10 missable medals from Victory Uchida (pictured above). He will reward you with items and/or medals each time you find him. You have to find this NPC across 14 chapters. Just go to his location at the beginning of each specified chapter and talk to him.
Note: You can also get these 10 Digimon medals from the free Demon Lords DLC cases.
Here is where you can find Victory Uchida:
- Chapter 04/05: Shibuya, In front of Tower Records store. Available late chapter 04 until early chapter 05. Receive Ninja USB.
- Chapter 06: Nakano Broadway 3F, northeast of the escalator. Receive Vigor Mushroom and Creepymon Medal.
- Chapter 07: Kowloon Lv. 4, southwest side of the second map. Receive Researcher USB.
- Chapter 08: Tokyo Metropolitan Office lobby, bottom left corner. Receive Mental Melon and Barbamon Medal.
- Chapter 09: Nakano Broadway 3F, next to the stairs. Receive CAM USB.
- Chapter 10: EDEN Free Area. Receive Power Pine and Lilithmon medal.
- Chapter 11: Nakano Underpass. Receive Billionaire USB.
- Chapter 13: Asakusa. Receive Aegis Apple and Leviamon medal.
- Chapter 14: Central Hospital lobby. Receive Large Capacity USB.
- Chapter 15: Nakano Broadway 3F. Receive Clever Carrot and Beelzemon medal.
- Chapter 16: Shibuya, inside Tower Records store. Receive Panic Barrier DX.
- Chapter 17: Akihabara. Receive Acceleration Banana, Belphemon SM medal and Belphemon RM medal.
- Chapter 19: Shinjuku, shopping district area. Receive Tactician USB.
- Chapter 20: Odaiba roof, the bottom right side. Receive Miracle Meat, Lucemon medal, Lucemon SM medal and Lucemon FM medal.
Note that once you finish the story events in a chapter, it is highly likely that Victory Uchida will disappear, even if you're still in the specified chapter. So it's recommended to find him at the beginning of every listed chapter.
Visit my guide for a list of all the 500 medals and their locations.
This trophy and the trophies related to it unlock as soon as you obtain the specified Digimon medal number for each of them.
[999 Damage!]
[Inflicted more than 999 points of damage in one attack.]This is a pretty easy trophy, all you have to do is deal more than 999 damage in 1 hit. You might get this from a certain chapter of the story mode where you will take control of a strong Digimon. If you reach chapter 20 and still don't have this trophy, get an Mega Digimon with high attack and level it to 99, then go to Kowloon Lv. 1. The Digimon there are really weak so any strong attack might get you over 1,000 damage.
Also note that using a Digimon that is strong against a certain attribute or element increases your damage output. Keep that in mind when picking a Digimon when attempting this trophy.
Another option is to get Lilithmon. Level her to 99 and max out her intellect, then use her special skill on any Digimon.
[Big Combo]
[Unleash a combo with three or more moves.]Combos in this game are joint attack that can be triggered when you have some bars on the combo gauge. The gauge consists of 5 bars and is right next to your Digimon portrait on the timeline (the column on the right). The more bars you have the higher the chance to trigger a combo. The combo gauge increases on its own with time, but you can increase it with skills too. Chain Plus increases it by 50% for 1 party member, while Chain Max increases it by 100%. A combo can happen when doing any form of action (normal attacks or special/normal/support skills).
For this trophy you need 3 Digimon teaming up for a combo. To do that you need enough bars for a higher combo chance, also the 3 Digimon's turns need to be right after each other. For example, if you have 2 party members next to each other in the battle timeline and an enemy turn separates those 2 from the 3rd party member, you won't be able to get all 3 members to combo.
[Battle Iron Man]
[Fought in over 1,000 battles.]This is a simple and straightforward trophy. You need to initiate 1,000 random battles. Running away from battles counts too.
The trophy unlocks after starting your 1,000 battle.
[Pro Gamer]
[Won the Legendary Cup in the Offline Colosseum.]See[Master Gamer]
[Master Gamer]
[Won the Master Cup in the Offline Colosseum.]The Offline Coliseum is a place where you can fight multiple battles in a row, with the last battle being a semi-boss battle. You can participate in the offline coliseum in Nakano Broadway 4F, you will find a maid female NPC near the arcades section. You need to step away from that NPC a bit until the
button pops up, hitting that will let you start the first cup. Some coliseum cups unlock by beating the available cups, but most of them unlock after progressing through the story. Just make sure to check the coliseum NPC every now and then. There are 6 cups in total: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Legend and Master.
I recommend using UlforceVeedramon to always start first and Lilithmon for her destructive special skill.
The three coliseum trophies are for winning the Platinum Cup, Legendary Cup and Master Cup. Winning each of those cups will unlock their respective trophies.
[Best Friend]
[Maximized CAM of 30 Digimon.]The CAM (short for camaraderie) stat is displayed in the stat window as the only percentage value. It maxes at 100%. In order to raise CAM with a Digimon, you need to use it in lots of battles. Doing combos increases the CAM gain from a battle. You can also raise CAM through using items or feeding the Digimon in the DigiFarm.
The "Friendship" item increases CAM by 10%, while the "Friendship DX" item increases it by 25%. The icons for these 2 items are green floppy disks with the letters FP on them. The DigiFarm starter food that increases CAM is called "Digimeat". It is only available and usable in the DigiFarm. It's not even listed in the items menu. This food item maxes at 20, but it gets restocked on its own after a few in-game minutes pass. The item increases CAM by 1—2%. If you still need more Digimon with maxed CAM, you can buy Finest Quality Meat from the DigiLab shop (costs 10,000 Yen and unlocks in chapter 7) and feed it to your Digimon to increase CAM by 5-10%.
This trophy unlocks after you get 30 Digimon to 100% CAM.
[Digimon Idol]
[Maximized ABI of 10 Digimon.]The ABI stat is displayed to the left of CAM and above where it says EXP in the stats window. It maxes at 100 and increases through digivolution and de-digivolution. When you digivolve a Digimon that reached max level (99), you will get around 12 ABI points. And devolving a Digimon at max level will result in 23-24 ABI increase. Just keep evolving and devolving your Digimon when you reach max level, and eventually you will earn this trophy.
If you still don't get this trophy at the end of the game, you can choose to increase ABI by feeding your Digimon DigiFarm food. After watching the ending, you will unlock the Miracle Meat for purchase in the DigiLab shop. It costs 1 million yen, but it increases both ABI and CAM by 10-20 and 10-20% respectively.
This trophy unlocks after you get 10 Digimon to 100 ABI.
[Level 99!]
[Raised a single Digimon to the maximum level (level 99).]Easy trophy, just level 1 Digimon to level 99. If the Digimon has a limit on their level preventing them to get to level 99, it means you lack ABI points. So just keep evolving and devolving your Digimon to increase the level cap. You will most likely unlock this trophy while working on [Digimon Doctorate] trophy.
This trophy will pop-up once 1 Digimon reaches level 99.
[Top-Notch Breeder]
[Evolve 30 Digimon into Ultimate level.]For this trophy and Big-Shot Breeder
, you need to digivolve 30 Champion level Digimon into 30 unique Ultimate level and 30 Ultimate level Digimon into 30 unique Mega level. There are 57 Ultimate and 65 Mega Digimon in the game. The Ultimate Digimon are listed from No. 109 to No. 166 in the Digimon Field Guide, while the Mega Digimon are listed from No. 167 to No. 232 in the Digimon Field Guide.
In order to digivolve to Ultimate/Mega, you need to work your way up the Digimon level categories. From a Rookie Digimon for example, you can only de-digivolve to In-Training or digivolve to Champion. You can't jump straight to Super Ultimate from a Rookie or Champion Digimon. Armor type are an exception though.
The following list is the Digimon level categories:
- Baby
- In-Training
- Rookie
- Champion
- Ultimate
- Mega
- Super Ultimate
- Armor
If you don't earn this trophy while working on Digimon Professor
, then get the remaining Ultimate/Mega Digimon you need from digivolution.
Getting your 30th Ultimate/Mega Digimon will unlock their respective trophies.
[Land Baron]
[Get five islands on your DigiFarm.]DigiFarm islands are farms for Digimon to reside in to gain various benefits. To access the DigiFarm, enter the DigiLab then examine the green screen/terminal with a palm tree displayed on it. You start with 1 farm island by default, and each island can have 10 Digimon in it. To get more farm islands, you need to use Farm Development Kit from within the DigiFarm (bottom option of the first DigiFarm screen). If the option is grayed out, that means you're out of Development Kits. Those kits are obtained from cases or treasure chests throughout the game.
Trophy unlocks once you use your 4th Farm Development Kit and gain access to the 5th farm island.
[One-Star Rating]
[Raised the rank of a Farm Island to maximum.]See[Five-Star Rating]
[Five-Star Rating]
[Raised the rank of all Farm Islands to maximum.]Farm islands are places in the DigiFarm where you can put your Digimon in. They can play around in it or train to increase their stats. You can also feed them to increase your CAM with them. To access the DigiFarm, enter the DigiLab then examine the green screen/terminal with a palm tree displayed on it.
Farm islands start at rank 1 and can rank up to rank 5. To increase a farm's rank, you need to use the Farm Expansion Plugins. To actually use the Plugin, choose 1 of your farms and enter it then pick the bottom option. If that option is grayed out, that means you don't have any Plugins on you. You can get Farm Expansion Plugins from chests or clearing cases.
The trophy unlocks after you achieve rank 5 on all your farm island.
[Full House]
[Filled one Farm Island with Digimon.]See[Standing Room Only]
[Standing Room Only]
[Filled all Farm Islands with Digimon.]Pretty simple trophy. You just have to completely fill out all 5 farms with 50 random Digimon (10 Digimon on each island). This is only doable after you unlock all 5 farm islands.
[Feed Digimon 100 times.]To unlock this trophy, you need to feed Digimon 100 times in the DigiFarm. The counter is shared across all your Digimon, so you don't have to feed the same Digimon to get the trophy. The easiest way to earn this is to keep using the free Digi Meat that restocks over time. Make sure to use the Meat before it maxes out at 20, because you won't get anymore if it stays maxed.
[Dependable Replier]
[Replied to 30 DigiLine messages.]While playing the game your in-game friends/family and Digimon will send you messages on your DigiVice. Some text have buttons next to them, clicking those will let you reply to the sender. For this trophy you have to reply to 30 messages. It doesn't matter what your reply is, unless the message is sent by a Digimon and it has a multiple choice reply. These are considered quiz questions.
The trophy pops up after your 30th reply.
[Quiz Master]
[Answered 20 DigiLine quiz questions correctly.]Note: Some people reported a bug that prevents Digimon from replying to you after answering their questions, so make sure to promptly reply to your Digimon as soon as they send you a quiz message to lower the chances of this happening.
One possible fix to this bug is to use the DigiBank's load feature to load the Digimon causing this issue into another Digimon, however, I never got this bug so I can't confirm if this method actually works.
Quiz questions are similar to text messages, the difference is that these quizzes are always sent by your Digimon and will always have multiple choice replies. The Digimon ask you about random stuff that are related to the game and to Digimon in general, but some questions can be related to history (real life history). When you pick your answer, you will get the result after 5 minutes.
Visit my guide for a list of quiz questions and their correct answers.
The trophy unlocks after your 20th correct answer.
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